Monday, May 30, 2005

history lesson in sch todae from 2 to 5. woke up at ten+. then went out with mas to wisma macs 4 lunch. after tt we went t far east cos theres still some time left and wisma was quite boring la. go 77th street 2 pierce ear holes. yayys. got 2 per ear now. didnt tell my mum cos shes not gg t b very happy. gd thing i have hair t cover my ears.haha.then went t sch. we r late. yay.
300505, monday

Saturday, May 28, 2005

todae went sch at 7+. went mobil to buy some food. then wait for e bus to bring us t east coast park. there's only 3 sec threes la. charlene, shufen and me. damn pathetic siah. that stupid mas promise tt she would go. but didnt turn up in e end. im gg t kill her on mon during history lesson. yea e activity was ok la. didnt have much fun cos there's only 3 SEC THREES there. the three of us r like sitting around. so xtra la. im beggining t think tt sec threes r realli anti-social.:((

Saturday, May 21, 2005

heyy. juz came back from obs yesterday. yea didnt suffer as much as i thought we would. at least we survived la. recapp'

day one
we went to campsite one. took very long t find my group cuz our first aid bag was lost somewhere. our grp members: Joanne, madeline, rebecca, xingtong, may, hannah, me, teresa, xiaona, sufan, charlotte, manmitha, stephanie, priya and of course our instructor, Daphne. she's quite strict & a lot of watch members realli dun like her at first. She then told us what was gg t happen and we took a grp photo together. then we went to campsite 2 by boat. after lunch we did the trust fall. its not as scary la. then we wore our harness and did belaying. instructor candy taught us. shes a trainee instructor. after tt, we pitch 3 tents near e sea and went t cook. then went t shower. yay. pack our backpacks and got scolded cuz we were late. then went t sleep.

day two
woke up early. wash up and unpitch our tents. continue packing our backpacks. its so damn heavy. then went t change into our wet attire for kayakking. KAYAKKING ROCKS. its realli fun. priya became my partner. it was cat one. so we have to bring the very heavy kayaks back. then when it was safe again. we brought it out to sea. we didnt have enough time to do the capsize drill. so we kayak back to camp one. then we wash up and went to collect the backpacks from the boats. we went for rock climbing after tt and it was very difficult. no one could even reach half of it and e log was shaking. after pitching e tents we had a HOT COOKED DINNER. yayys. then we drank cordial. washing up after tt. then we played e passing orange game. everyone had to pass from their necks to the other person. a bit disgusting la. esp steph and sf. they like kissing each other. haha.

day three
woke up and wash up. we had a nice nice breakfast. is hot food again. for the last time. we even had ovaltine to drink. after packing the backpacks, we were briefed about the land expedition. we would b gg w armstrong. is realli tiring carrying the backpacks. we then played traffic jam. armstrong won and they have 5l of water. trek some more t bubut hut and rest. played the entangle game. we won. yayy. carry on trekking t a basketball court and saw some other sch pple there. there were many stalls selling cold drinks. was so thirsty k. but no money t buy. then trek till maman beach. finally.

day four
we pack up our belongings and started t trek back t camp two. its a long journey again. we were quite happy cuz tmr we can go home. went to the quarry. we took turns t jump into the water. it was cooling and the water was so clean. like singapore water. haha. played some lame games and taught xiaona swimming:)) then went up t change in the OPEN into our dry clothes. continue trekking until we were gg t reach the campsite. played a game. we had t take a stretcher and walk on the logs and our feet cannot touch the ground. we had one hour. didnt complete it cuz it was cat one. then trek t campsite two. WE SURVIVED:D

day five
nothing much today. we pack our own bags and wash the things tt we had used. then paid 4 the things we had lost. which was a lot. went t a quiet place. daph asked us to write down our weaknesses and fold the papers into boats. we then went near the sea and let it flow away. bringing all our weaknesses away from us. then we wrote the things we want to say t our buddy. daph told us a touching story and xiaona cried. we all knew tt we were gg t miss obs very much. especially daphne. we realise her care and concern for us and she set high goals cuz she want to train us. then went to the sovenir shop t buy 2 shirts, a keychain and a bottle. took the boat and went back t singapore.

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final goodbye.


dlss, cgs, vjc
angela arkar atikah benjamin bobby brainer carol cherry diana farrah felicia geraldine ginger ivy janine joan joanne krystle liwen lydia madeline maisarah masliana may hsu minxue nengzi phyllicia priscilla puen rachel samantha ho samantha liew samantha lim samantha tan sarah ho shafina shana shimin silicon shi ping shufen stephanie sye yuet teresa valerie vanya vera snr wani wan man weixue xinyi xuehui xuelian yingyi yuching sir yuxiang zesa zijing

squad outing cum crescent speech day 07 by weixue
crezawards'07 by weixue
traka at aj by geraldine
squad chalet photos '06 by weixue


May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
December 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
November 2008
December 2008
May 2009

Sun.kissed / Icons